TLC Work-Based Training Program, Inc.


Training & Certification in Construction Trades


CRAM Director, Juanita Edrington-Grant, centered above, surrounded by the recent graduates.

Asbestos Removal Training

This training was held in the social hall of Shiloh Church of God in Christ from August 19th to 23rd, 2013.  Eighteen (18) African American men registered and all eighteen (18) completed the training, passed the test, and now are certified to remove asbestos. Certifications obtained by the trainee group included four (4) supervisors and fourteen (14) workers.

The program was sponsored by CRAM’S L.E.A.D.E.R Project, (Leading Ex-offenders And Developing Employment Readiness), a continued and funded program of former Governor Leader, in partnership with TLC Work-Based Training Program, Inc. which is also a partner with TLC Renovation & Construction, LLC, owner Tarik Casteel. 

The objectives are to provide opportunities for ex-offenders to become employable in skilled occupations to earn an income to support themselves and their families.  

What We Do

TLC Work-Based Training Services provides instructor-led as well as hands-on on-the-job training and certification in building and construction trades to hard-to-place individuals.

Comprehensive Training

Classroom & Hands-On Instruction